
Thursday, February 9, 2017


                                                      COME TO THE WATER

Gravitating to the water is an ever constant theme. Whether Susie and I are pondering a site to sketch/paint or just to walk or sit and chat.

Avon Beach, Outer Banks, NC
Aside from all the other things in life that sustain us, the waters draw us (pun intended).... bidding us to join them in their peaceful ebb and flow.  Beside the waters is where we are always able to sit the longest....taking in the sun (or rain clouds), listening to rhythmic pounding of  waves in their quest to finally escape the depths that bind them or to almost undetectable laps almost caressing the shore as we gaze from a riverbank.  Beside the waters we can breathe in the calm and perfection the universe has to offer us and become revitalized.

The "jaunts" my BFF and I take for art opportunity are not always to far reaches of the country as some posts may seem to imply.   We live in Florida so we have PLENTY of water... RIGHT?!

Very well I recall the day while visiting Susie in south Florida that we decided our venue that day would be the Jensen Beach Causeway that crosses Indian River.
Sailboats on the Indian River
Taking our "painting" chairs  (regular folding chairs purchased especially for outdoor "arting" out to a shady place with good subject in view we organized our supplies within arm reach and balanced our watercolor blocks on our laps..... which is hysterical considering all the outdoor painting equipment we have both collected over the years. So, while individually and collectively we both have a plethora of easels, art bags (large and small and everything in between) various pallets, paint brands and colors, we now go out with everything in a very small bag and we have scrapped the easels altogether which has given us the freedom to traverse more territory without succumbing to heat exhaustion, muscle cramps and various other outdoor perils I will share at a later date. Who knew? 😉
House of Refuge
Making "art" does not require a huge investment. It can begin at any time with a pencil and a piece of paper or a cheap set of children's paint.  Just have fun watching the colors run together or make patterns. You don't even have to show it to anyone.  I hope you will grab a pencil and sketch out something every day. You will see yourself improve constantly.  Start with sketching your salt and pepper shakers and send it to us and come back on Monday for another arty post.  Till then,

Sketch on......


  1. Bonnie, Your paintings are extraordinary!!! The first one of the sailboats listing a little to the side would look perfect above our mantle here in our new home! Jerry is going to want to negotiate this away from you!!! Does it come in a big size?! :-)

    1. Oh, I love to play with watercolors over gesso! It's such fun to see the patterns, like you say. I have created some pretty awesome journal backgrounds, if I do say so myself :) Y'all are an inspiration and encouragement to me! I heart heart HEART you both!!! xoxo

  2. Oh my goodness, sweet Anne, you are going to completely spoil us with your kind remarks. Unfortunately the sailboats paintings would be too small for over a mantle and all the art you will see in this blog is one of a kind. I have thought about looking into having numbered prints made but as yet have not done so. But stay tuned because you never know what comes next. Thanks again for your encouragement.


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